Post-Expo Fatigue? Here’s How To Beat It | Be The Boss

Post-Expo Fatigue? Here’s How To Beat It

You’ve been to the franchise expo, you spent time in several insightful seminars, you met dozens of experts, including franchisors, franchisees, attorneys and moneylenders, you carried home a sack of literature and videos, and you sampled enough food so that you don’t have to eat again for several days.

But now what? When do you buy a franchise and get on with changing your life?

After a day or two of talking to franchise exhibitors, your head is spinning with information, ideas, and possibilities. One thing’s for sure: You now know there are multiple franchise brands that interest you, and could change your life, if only you were to buy one and start operating it. So what’s holding you back?

Sometimes too much information is immobilizing. You say to yourself that you’re going to sit down one day and review all the information you brought home, but somehow that day never comes around. And meanwhile, franchise opportunities pass you by.

It’s time to overcome that post-expo fatigue. Here’s how!

1.      Clear your mind. Of the franchises you discovered at the expo, which two or three appeal most to you today? Keep whatever information you have about those brands and set the rest of the information aside.

2.      Decide who can help you. Of the experts you met at the expo, who stands out as someone who would help you now? Could be a seminar leader, a moneylender, a franchise sales executive. Doesn’t matter. Pick one! Contact that person today by phone or email. Do it now!

3.      Prepare your questions. You probably have dozens of questions swirling in your head. Forget all but the most urgent right now. Write them down and ask those questions when you make your contact from #2 above.

4.      Boost your confidence. Not sure if you’re talking to a real expert? Worried that someone is going to force you into buying a franchise you don’t want? Stop worrying. Contact the International Franchise Association at 202-628-8000 or online. IFA is the world’s authority on franchising. Trust them. Ask them if the expert you’re talking to is a member of IFA, or represents a member company. If not, ask for a referral to a franchise coach.

5.      Attend a Discovery Day. Almost every franchisor sponsors a free information day. Get an invitation to visit the franchisor. Remember, it’s free, and just attending does not obligate you. This is an opportunity to learn more about the brand and meet the people.

6.      Visit a franchisee. If nothing else appeals to you, contact a franchisee and ask for a brief meeting. That franchisee was once in your shoes. He or she may have visited a franchise expo and felt the post-expo fatigue that you’re experiencing. Talking with a franchisee may be the best way to help you take the next step to buying a franchise.

If all else fails, there’s one final step: Visit another expo and start all over again. But this time, find an expert who you trust, get that person’s contact information, and promise to follow up within one week of the expo.

Your next opportunity to visit an expo is the International Franchise Expo, June 18-20, 2015 in New York City!